48" Rectangular Steel Picnic Table Top & Bench Top 1,The desktop and the stool surface this series of products are used in 2.8 thick material manufacturing special rolling mill1,The desktop and the stool surface this series of products are used in 2.8 thick material manufacturing special rolling mill.2,Hot dip coating process.3,Hot dip coating are used in the United States DuPont Co's high quality raw materials.4,The foot of the table is Phi 60, Phi 48 hot galvanized pipe forming, surface by spray treatment.5,All parts of the product are 304 stainless steel screws.6,We promise to use the product for 8 years without fading.7,The table with umbrella hole, can hold an umbrella, rainy days and sunny day can be used, the best choice for outdoor table.8,Products sold in four colors (red, blue, black, green), you can also customize the color you like, you need to provide the color
Price |
$218.27 |